Life as a Service
How can we improve the way we live together in a physical and digitised world through advanced services with quantum leap value?Commissioned research for ACS/Hochtief#futurecity #digitisedactivities
Reclaiming Backlanes
Exploring and designing a vision for increasing building performance and reprogramming common space.Sonja Berthold as project lead at the Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore - ETH Centre. #backlaneculture #urbanprogramme

Urban Choreographies
How catalysts change Bangkok’s neighbourhoods.Sonja Berthold as PhD researcher at the Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore - ETH Centre and National University of Singapore.
#neighbourhoods #urbancatalysts

Working and Living in the City of Knowledge
What does it mean to work in the city today?Dietmar Leyk as visiting professor at The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design for Steelcase WorkSpace Futures #knowledgearchitecture

Immersive Training Systems
Augmenting human experience, interaction, perception, and learning with immersive trainings systems.Commissioned research for ACS/Hochtief
#digitaltools #futureeducation

High-Density Mixed-Use Cities
Developing new integrated planning paradigms, research methodologies and implementation processes to support higher population densities, higher standards of environmental sustainability, and enhanced liveability.Dietmar Leyk as project lead at Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore - ETH Centre.
#interdisciplinarity #digitalcommunicationn

Perceiving and visualising intervention areas for the transformation of urban systems, rooted in the morphology and metabolism of urbanised environments. Dietmar Leyk at Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich#interdisciplinarity #alternativefutures

Tanjong Pagar Waterfront
Developing a transdisciplinarydesign-research method and a critical brief for the Waterfront Tanjong Pagar
based on different scenarios.
Dietmar Leyk as project lead at Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore - ETH Centre.

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