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Smart Villages
Rethinking intelligently connected villages“The relevance of this project lies in its ability to rethink the future of rural life by leveraging digital connectivity to transform Bavarian villages into active, sustainable communities, where landscapes are not just scenic backdrops, but critical ecosystems that support healthy living and ecological efficiency within the broader European context.”
Sonja Berthold, principal and founder
What are the potentials of Bavarian villages within the broader European context? Though rural regions make up 80% of Europe’s territory, house 57% of its population, and contribute 46% of the continent’s GDP, daily life in remote villages doesn’t always seem future-oriented. However, through digital networking and connectivity, proximity and exchange with other villages and cities can be fostered. Landscapes are not only vital recreational spaces but also critical to reducing CO2 emissions and stress, acting as a lifeline for healthy living. Villages, with their strong sense of community, offer a high quality of life for both younger and older generations in the future.
Our aim is to create a diverse network of small towns and villages, each with its own unique characteristics, and to strengthen their functions through interconnectedness. A fundamental question raised in this collaboration is: How can digitally enhanced services—IoT, automation, AI, and more—improve or completely reimagine life in rural areas? A key takeaway from this first round of collaboration was that a division of tasks within an intelligently connected ecosystem, combined with village-specific building density, provides the best ecological efficiency.
The project has received full support from Hubert Aiwanger, Bavaria’s Deputy Minister President and Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development, and Energy, as well as Engin Eroglu, Member of the European Parliament. Together, they back this unique, forward-thinking, and truly interdisciplinary initiative.
Bavaria, Germany - Commissioned research, scenario planning and design