
Future-Oriented Spaces - The Sensory Evolution of Common Spaces through Artificial Intelligence

Berthold, Sonja; Leyk, Dietmar
in: Shaping Tommorrow, Nemetschek
Book Chapter

Life as a Service

Research Programme Key activities include actions which expressively shape our daily lives and at the same time significantly form and transform architectural typologies and our cities.
Berthold, Sonja; Leyk, Dietmar. (2021)
Book Monograph (Manuscript completed)

Reclaiming Backlanes

Designing a vision for increasing building performance and reprogramming common space.
Berthold, Sonja; Bruelisauer, Marcel (2015) as project lead at the Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore - ETH Centre.
Book Monograph

Urban Choreographies

How catalysts change Bangkok’s neighbourhoods. 
Berthold, Sonja as PhD researcher at the Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore - ETH Centre and National University of Singapore.

Book Monograph (In progress)

How will we live together?

Leyk, Dietmar; Berthold, Sonja (2021) in: BIENNALE ARCHITETTURA 2021, How will we live together? | Catalogue of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition, Silvana, Milan 2021
Book Chapter

High Density Mixed-Use Cities

Leyk, Dietmar (2017) in: Future Cities Laboratory Indicia 01 S. Cairns and D. Tunas (eds.),
Lars Müller Publishers, Zürich, Switzerland
Book Chapter

A Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Urban Planning

The Tanjong Pagar Waterfront Project Leyk, Dietmar; Hanakata Naomi (2019) in: Future Cities Laboratory Indicia 02 S. Cairns and D. Tunas (ed.),
Lars Müller Publishers, Zürich, Switzerland
Book Chapter

Embracing Difference: From Urban Scenario to Critical Brief

Leyk Dietmar (2009) in Hunch 13: Consensus, NAI Publishers, Salomon Frausto (ed.), Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Journal Article

Journal Article

Working and Living in the City of Knowledge

Leyk, Dietmar (2010) The Berlage Institute - Steelcase Workspace Futures, Rotterdam, Book Monographss)

High-Density Mixed-Use Cities: The Singapore Study 

A Framework Towards the Design of Dense and Adaptable Urban Space in the Context of Programmatic Indeterminacy. Leyk, Dietmar (2019) in: d+a Magazine
Journal Article

Adaptable Urban Space in the Context

Perfect (Im)Perfection: Finding Delight through Architecture in a Digitalised Society

Leyk, Dietmar; Berthold, Sonja; (2019) in: The Singapore Architect 17 - SIA, Singapore
Journal Article


Cartography, Publicness and the Architecture of High-Density Cities

Leyk, Dietmar (2017) in: The Singapore Architect - SIA, Singapore Journal Article

in: d+a

Potatoe Plan Bangkok

Berthold, Sonja;  N.N. (2018) in: Potatoe Plan Collection - 40 Cities through the Lense of Patrick Abercombie
M. Züger and K. Christaanse (ed.) mai010 publishers, Rotterdam



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