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Nexus One

Designing five towers around a green heart

"Nexus One redefines Singapore's Southern Waterfront, forging a vital link between the city’s past and future. It’s about shaping experiences, blending sustainability with urban vibrancy, and enhancing life at every scale."

Dietmar Leyk, principal and cofounder

"Nexus One" is set to become a landmark of architectural transformation in Singapore’s Southern Waterfront, a district scheduled for redevelopment as shipping relocates to the west. Positioned on a former container terminal, the project forges a vital connection between the historic Central Business District and Singapore’s emerging future, creating a seamless dialogue between the city’s past and its bold ambitions. Spanning 600 hectares diverse character areas will become a tapestry of urban vibrancy, woven with strands of sustainability and innovation.

Five towers rise from a three-storey podium that serves as the foundation for five mixed-use towers. These towers, varying in height (from 11 to 28 floors above podium) and function, leave a central void - a shaded, green heart that invites wind and life into the core of the development. This green space, sheltered by the surrounding structures, offers a reprieve from the heat, enriched by layers of plant life that mitigate the urban heat island effect.

The podium, home to retail and communal spaces, anchors the towers and provides a dynamic ground-level experience. Above, the towers embody a new vision of vertical living, integrating restaurants, offices, and apartments in a seamless expression of urban life. The façades aren’t mere surfaces—they are dynamic, responsive skins that adapt to Singapore’s tropical climate, playing with light, greenery, and texture to create an ever-evolving interaction between interior and exterior.

"Nexus One" is one of the first architectural icons of this revitalised waterfront, setting the stage for the future of urban design in Singapore. This is architecture that doesn’t just fill space; it shapes experiences. It embodies intensity and creativity, understanding that quality of life is deeply intertwined with the quality of our environment—visually, socially, and sensorially. Through thoughtful design, [Name] crafts a new model for city living, where architecture enhances the human experience at every scale.

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